Archive | June, 2014

The Colours of Bali

30 Jun

Bali is such a wonderful, inspiring, magical place and I was lucky enough to capture some of it’s beauty with our new Canon G16 camera. Enjoy the colours of Bali through the eyes of this lovely little lens.

Reflection at the Departure Gates

25 Jun

Wild mane, no-make up selfie at Denpasar Airport. (I hope the image has stuck as I’m blogging on iPhone)

Have not worn make up, bras or shoes for 15 days. I have lived in sarongs and yoga clothes and have eaten mostly clean organic foods, as well as little or no alcohol. I’ve had chronic diarrhoea and spewing bugs, done copious amounts of yoga and explored the rich and diverse culture Bali has to offer.

I’m about to fly home to NZ and reflecting on my time with feelings of lightness, openness and inspiration.

Yoga has taught me I have very small importance and significance in the earths greater function, yet I have the biggest opportunity to touch, move and inspire my communities, simply by being inspired. For me, to be a living example of LOVE is success. Can, this be achieved? I know so.

Despite the ups and downs, highs and lows of life, it’s all part of being human. Through yoga I’ve learned it’s ok to feel stuff, to be with my pain, my awkwardness, my insecurities and accept it.

Now I can look at all those things without judgement. I’ve learnt so much more about my truths, my triggers and those things that have the tendency to zap me from my bliss.

I’m humbled by these teachings and the enormity of what there is to learn and absorb, and how little I actually know.

I know inspiration comes and goes, but now I have the tools to reflect and understand what’s going on for me in those moments of sadness or frustration.

The best thing about it all is that; I feel like I’m finally starting to live my truth and found my ‘dharma’ – it only took 35 years!

Massive amounts of love and respect to my incredible 200 hour yoga classmates. Your love and friendship has been unreal, and I know we will know each other for life.

Power living Australia – I had no idea what I was getting myself into and my expectations were well and truly blown out of the water… You guys are total pros and I Love you for creating such an incredible community and challenging program to share your vast knowledge and wisdom.

And again my mum and my man – couldn’t have done this without you believing in me and being there for me.

Thank you! Love you all!! Namaste xxx

‘THOUGHTS ON SERENITY’ (from the little book of knowledge at Soma cafe, Ubud)

‘In truly knowing love, you have set all things free, for love does not judge or condemn or control.

Love extends to all things without reservation, attachment exclusivity and limit.

Love is one. It looks on all as one.

Strive only to break free from limitations, and recline in the peace of knowing your wholeness exists in the power holding LOVE eternally as one.’

My farther has been banging on about this love thing since I was small, and I think I’m only beginning to understand what it really means…


Ubud Expression Session – Day One

15 Jun

I am blogging more than ever on this trip. Don’t know why. Just feel like it. Writing for me is like a natural occurrence when the words build up so much the have to spill out like a fountain. It’s also like chocolate. The more you blog the more you seem to want to do it. This is also one of the most exciting times of my life going into a transformational phase of life that is going to change the course of my life forever.

It’s 7AM. I have wandered up the road in my sarong and jandels to find wifi. I have my laptop, which seems like a dinosaur in today’s travel culture. Everyone else has Ipads, I like my laptop, but it’s a drag to lug around – I need it for music. Can’t be without music, and of course, handy for skypeing.

Just as well because the bank froze all my cards, so I’ve been without cashflow for 2 days. Funny how the animal instinct in me goes into hustle mode weaving around what would usually cost to either delay spending or borrow some money.  You’ll be pleased to know I didn’t die and the world kept turning, and lucky for me I pre-paid a bunch of yoga sessions at The Yoga Barn. I have linked up with a pair of beautiful kiwi gals who have been my posse for the last 24 hours, and Nikki graciously lent me some cash.  Nikki from Wanaka and Kathleen from Wellington, both on the 500 hour teacher training which is happening the same time as our 200 hour TT with Power Living.   We met at the Yoga Barn where all mindful yoga aspirants seem to gather, making that our base. So much incredible stuff going on there, it’s over-whelming.

So I wanted to tell you about my day yesterday to paint a picture on this incredible location.

I arrived at 8.10am and unfortunately missed the morning flow class, but that was ok, because I manged to slip into Tai Chi with an English man named Dave West. He promptly said when we entered the room, forget everything you want your body to feel if you practice yoga and RELAX. Wow. I went to a new dimension in relaxation. I learned about how to harness the chi flow and gently move with intuitive motion. The great thing is (with my martial arts background) is that each move ie; ‘Parting the horses mane’ and ‘White crane spreads wings’ is actually a radical self defense move in slow motion.   I want more of this! So great. If anyone is coming to Bali you can check him out here Dave West.

Then I bumped into my kiwi girls and spend a few hours catching up on line, having an admin session on bank admin which failed to succeed, then found some accommodation which has a pool and is like a temple on the inside. My room has a view of the pool out the front, and the rice paddies behind, all for approx $30 NZD per night.

Ubud is incredible, every second place is built like a temple. The culture up here is mostly Hindu and everywhere you go is the smell of insense, the roar of scooters, the crowing of roosters, and tiny bamboo plates of ‘offerings’.  Ubud is haven for artistic talent. there are galleries on every corner offering vibrant paintings, carving and crafts. The people are so friendly and helpful too.

Ok, so the yoga. Yes – Went to a vinyasa flow class with ‘Bex’ last night at 4PM. A shiny smiley Scottish girl who took us through a dynamic 90 mins of expression, opening, grounding and uplifting flow. I was trying things I had never done before and was presently surprised to feel my body awaken, soften and hold the space in new postures.   I loved her energy, she smiled and danced through the class and gave some cool talks about alignment, not only in our bodies, but in our lives and what happens on the mat transfers into our worlds.

She started the class with the call to ‘turn to the person beside you and have a chat’ this was a cool way to break the ice and put everyone in a bubbly mood. She also did something else that was cool. She played the most beautiful emotive music during savasa that made your heart melt, then after it finished she read this poem. ❤


The Invitation

by Oriah Mountain Dreamer

It doesn’t interest me what you do for a living. I want to know what you ache for, and if you dare to dream of meeting your heart’s longing. It doesn’t interest me how old you are. I want to know if you will risk looking like a fool for love, for your dream, for the adventure of being alive.

It doesn’t interest me what planets are squaring your moon. I want to know if you have touched the center of your own sorrow, if you have been opened by life’s betrayals or have become shriveled and closed from fear of further pain! I want to know if you can sit with pain, mine or your own, without moving to hide it or fade it, or fix it.

I want to know if you can be with joy, mine or your own, if you can dance with wildness and let the ecstasy fill you to the tips of your fingers and toes without cautioning us to be careful, to be realistic, to remember the limitations of being human.

It doesn’t interest me if the story you are telling me is true. I want to know if you can disappoint another to be true to yourself; if you can bear the accusation of betrayal and not betray your own soul; if you can be faithless and therefore trustworthy.

I want to know if you can see beauty even when it’s not pretty, every day, and if you can source your own life from its presence. I want to know if you can live with failure, yours and mine, and still stand on the edge of the lake and shout to the silver of the full moon, “Yes!”

It doesn’t interest me to know where you live or how much money you have. I want to know if you can get up, after the night of grief and despair, weary and bruised to the bone, and do what needs to be done to feed the children. It doesn’t interest me who you know or how you came to be here. I want to know if you will stand in the center of the fire with me and not shrink back.

It doesn’t interest me where or what or with whom you have studied. I want to know what sustains you, from the inside, when all else falls away. I want to know if you can be alone with yourself and if you truly like the company you keep in the empty moments.

the-yoga-barn-studio, I grabbed this image off the internet to show you what an incredible studio that blows your mind looks like.

the-yoga-barn-studio, I grabbed this image off the internet to show you what an incredible studio that blows your mind looks like.

I now have a whole day of UBud and Can’t wait to indulge in more love at the Yoga Barn.  Might have to also check out the Monkey Forest!

Cool blog here about what to do in Ubud – the Yogi’s mecca.

All sorted with the bank – Time to FLY!



Disco Sunsets

14 Jun

last night i witnessed a beautiful sunset followed the rise of the full moon at Ku De Ta in Seminyak, Bali.

On the decks was LATE NIGHT TOUGH GUY, a well respected disco and funk Dj. I am pretty blown away at the calibre of DJs visiting Bali!

While i was sitting there in the sun with my girlfriend Alison, I was feeling pretty stoked that a good chunk of my music collection is disco. And I love disco.

Here’s a couple of disco tracks off the cuff.





Two Prong – Pete Tong!

13 Jun

I had a vision for this post while on the dance floor last night and thought its ‘Essential’ to share my Pete Tong story.

About The Title:
I was pleasantly surprised when I found out that the Bali power plug is 2 Prong. Lucky for me, I could use all French adaptors – All powered up. So what does 2 Prong, and Pete Tong have in common? Nothing, except they are both electric and I like to play on words. #allgonepetetong the Bali version.

Anyway. Pete Tong is a legend, and it happens to be the 3rd time I’ve see him perform all in fairly unique settings and experiences. I was amused and fairly flabbergasted that some of my peers here in Bali had never heard of this dance music icon.

I was pleased to say that last night he played a set of quality underground bangers. Two of which I Shazammed as they are EPIC – check them out here.

1. pushing on (hawt)

2. Forget – Patrick Topping

Pete Tong Experience 1/
It was the millennium 1999/2000, it was the year of Y2K, some believed that the word would turn into chaos due to a massive melt down of global computer systems and networks. The infamous HOME nightclub had relocated their club to Bondi beach for Mobile Home. It was a cracker. Pete Tong was there supporting Sasha. It was when progressive house / trance ruled. I was very fortunate to have a triple AAA pass as my boyfriend at the time was running all the visuals (shot Neil) I was THAT girl dancing in the dj booth as Pete Tong played to 1000’s of people on the beach. I also rolled him a couple of doobies on request. Anything for you Pete! The night went off and the world didn’t melt down – thanks God!

Pete Tong Experience 2/
I was in San Antonio in Ibiza for the first time visiting my friends Sammy G and Pj. San Antiono is of course famous for loud annoying pons, and its sunset strip. It has bars and clubs such as Cafe del ma and then some. We had settled in for sunset at Mambo cafe and of course Pete Tong was on the bill dropping tunes after sunset. We’d had some mojittos as you do, and I was ready to rock. My mates were feeling mellow and I was feeling mischievous, so I went up to the Dj booth and started to get amongst the action. Of course all the fun was not In front of the dj booth, but in it, so I went round the back an tried to walk in. Security stopped and and asked who I was with. I said back (with confidence) ‘I’m with those guys’ Pointing to the rowdy crowd dancing behind Pete. And he said ‘sure!’ And let me in. Well the rest of history. Free shots and the Glory of Dj groupie worship in the booth. I ended up getting a 2am flight to London that night and ran into a bit of trouble at Heathrow – um… But that is another story!

Pete Tong Experience 3/
Well this was last night. No dj booth hustle, but we did have a moment Pete and I. I wondered if he noticed me up front and centre shazaming the shit out of his set. but when he dropped ‘pushing on’ (as linked above) I threw up the biG ‘T’ sign and he eye balled me straight down the barrel and did the ‘I know, you know’ gesture with his eyes and body language.

Classic. I wonder if he remembered me as a little raver back at Y2k…? Probably not, but sometimes it’s fun to imagine so.

I’m writing this poolside in Desa Seni, Bali on my iPhone. Pretty excited to discover the WordPress App. makes sharing stories so much more accessible. Please excuse the typos.

Love life. #YOLO.






11 Jun

Omg. I’m actually early for my flight. This never happens. I don’t think I’ve ever been so prepared as I am for this trip. I’m taking a moment to reflect on so many things that has brought me to this point. Here and now, about to embark on what could be the trip of a lifetime. I mean literally. I’m on a mission to learn and absorb the practice of yoga. The deeper I get into the art, the more I appreciate what means is to be alive. Yoga – to unite – to yoke. Is essentially learning to become the best human you can be.

Ghandi said, ‘the best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others’

this makes total sense and I honestly feel that to share the practice of yoga can help support a transformational shift in society. I feel very privileged, to be on this journey, but it’s not luck. I created it by powerfully visualizing it.

But in saying that, I’m feeling an overwhelming sense of GRATITUDE to everyone and everything that has helped me to get here. Have loved being party of the Internet Party for 3 productive and incredible weeks, my family, friends, yoga buddies, but especially my amazing man Tarnos, who has show such limitless unconditional love and support for me. We’ve come so far in only 3 months together and I’m excited for what the future brings want ever that may be…

Ok public expression session over. Love you all, I’ll be sure to keep you updated with loads of selfies in the sun (ok only a few)

RIA xx

Listen to this amazing podcast with Peter Sage and Dave Ashbury. So accurate.

bulletproof Exec